Seamlessly transitioning from Shopify to BigCommerce

Why should I consider migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce?

There are several compelling reasons to consider migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce. BigCommerce offers advanced features, scalability, lower total cost of ownership, SEO-friendly structure, and robust integrations.

What are the key pre-migration considerations and planning steps?

Before migrating, it's important to assess your current Shopify store, choose the right BigCommerce plan, set up a BigCommerce trial store, create a migration checklist, back up your Shopify data, and inform stakeholders about the migration process.

What are the key steps in the data migration process?

The key steps in the data migration process include migrating products and collections, transferring customer data, migrating orders and order history, and handling SEO and URL redirects.


Are you a Shopify store owner looking to explore new horizons for your e-commerce business? Are you consIDering migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce? If so, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guIDe, we will delve deep into the intricacies of migrating your Shopify store to BigCommerce, provIDing you with valuable insights, step-by-step instructions, and expert advice to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Overview of Shopify and BigCommerce

Let's begin by understanding the platforms involved in this migration process. Shopify and BigCommerce are two leading e-commerce solutions that empower businesses to create and manage their online stores effectively. Both platforms offer a wIDe range of features, ease of use, and robustness, attracting businesses of all sizes.

Shopify, founded in 2006, has grown to become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms worldwIDe. With its intuitive interface, extensive app marketplace, and seamless integration capabilities, Shopify has earned the trust of millions of entrepreneurs and established brands alike. However, as your business expands and evolves, you may find yourself seeking a platform that offers more flexibility, scalability, and advanced features.

Enter BigCommerce, a formIDable competitor in the e-commerce landscape. Founded in 2009, BigCommerce has quickly gained recognition for its comprehensive set of features, including built-in SEO tools, powerful marketing functionalities, and robust inventory management capabilities. BigCommerce is an excellent choice for businesses looking to take their online store to the next level.

Benefits of Migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce

Why should you consIDer migrating your Shopify store to BigCommerce? There are several compelling reasons:

  1. Advanced Features: BigCommerce offers a wIDe array of advanced features, such as built-in multi-channel selling, flexible product options, and comprehensive reporting and analytics. These features empower you to enhance your store's functionality and provIDe a superior shopping experience to your customers.

  2. Scalability: BigCommerce is designed to grow with your business. Whether you're a small startup or an enterprise-level business, BigCommerce can accommodate your needs, allowing you to seamlessly scale your operations without worrying about technical limitations.

  3. Lower Total Cost of Ownership: BigCommerce offers competitive pricing plans, often accompanied by lower transaction fees compared to Shopify. This can result in significant cost savings, especially for businesses with high sales volumes.

  4. SEO-Friendly Structure: BigCommerce provIDes a platform that is inherently optimized for search engines, allowing you to improve your store's visibility in search results. With BigCommerce, you can leverage built-in SEO tools and features to enhance your organic traffic and drive more qualified leads to your store.

  5. Robust Integrations: BigCommerce boasts a vast ecosystem of third-party integrations, allowing you to seamlessly connect your store with popular tools and services. This enables you to streamline your operations, automate processes, and enhance your overall efficiency.

Pre-migration ConsIDerations and Planning

Before diving into the migration process, it's crucial to take some time to plan and prepare for the transition. Migrating from one platform to another requires careful consIDeration and meticulous attention to detail. Here are a few key aspects to consIDer during the pre-migration phase:

  1. Assessing your current Shopify store: Evaluate your existing Shopify store and take note of its structure, product catalog, sales data, customer information, and any third-party integrations you rely on. Understanding your current setup will help you determine what needs to be migrated and what can be improved in the process.

  2. Choosing the right BigCommerce plan: Explore the various pricing plans and features offered by BigCommerce to determine the best fit for your business. ConsIDer your budget, anticipated growth, and specific requirements when making this decision.

  3. Setting up a BigCommerce trial store: Before committing to the migration, take advantage of BigCommerce's trial period to set up a test store. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the platform, experiment with its features, and ensure it meets your expectations.

  4. Creating a migration checklist: To ensure a smooth and organized migration, create a detailed checklist that outlines all the tasks and steps involved. This will serve as a guIDe throughout the migration process, helping you stay on track and avoID any potential pitfalls.

  5. Backing up your Shopify data: Before initiating the migration, it's essential to back up your Shopify store's data, including product information, customer details, and order history. This step acts as a safety net, ensuring that you have a copy of your data in case of any unforeseen issues during the migration process.

  6. Informing stakeholders about the migration process: Communication is key when undergoing a significant change like migrating your online store. Inform your team, partners, and customers about the upcoming migration, provIDing them with a timeline and addressing any concerns or questions they might have.

Now that we've covered the introduction and pre-migration consIDerations, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of the migration process itself. In the next section, we'll explore the steps required to prepare for the migration and ensure a seamless transition from Shopify to BigCommerce.

Preparing for Migration

Before diving into the migration process, it is crucial to adequately prepare yourself and your Shopify store for the transition to BigCommerce. This section will guIDe you through the essential steps and consIDerations to ensure a smooth and successful migration.

Assessing Your Current Shopify Store

The first step in preparing for migration is to assess your existing Shopify store thoroughly. Take the time to evaluate and understand your store's structure, product catalog, sales data, customer information, and any third-party integrations you currently rely on. This assessment will help you determine what needs to be migrated and what can be improved or optimized during the transition.

Begin by reviewing your product catalog. Analyze the types of products you offer, their variations, and the organization of collections or categories. This evaluation will help you IDentify any potential challenges or complexities that may arise during the migration process. Take note of any customizations or unique features you have implemented in your Shopify store, as these might require additional attention during the migration.

Next, delve into your sales and customer data. Analyze your sales reports, order history, and customer information to gain insights into your store's performance. Understanding your sales patterns, popular products, and customer behavior will enable you to make informed decisions during the migration process and ensure a seamless transition of this critical data to BigCommerce.

Additionally, review the third-party integrations you currently have in place. Identify the apps, extensions, or services that you rely on for various functionalities, such as email marketing, inventory management, or customer support. Take note of these integrations, as you will need to evaluate their compatibility with BigCommerce and plan for their migration or replacement.

Choosing the Right BigCommerce Plan

Once you have assessed your current Shopify store, it's time to choose the right BigCommerce plan for your business. BigCommerce offers various pricing plans, each with its own set of features and limitations. ConsIDer your budget, anticipated growth, and specific requirements when making this decision.

Evaluate the features offered by BigCommerce and compare them to what you currently have in Shopify. Look for features that align with your business goals and requirements, such as advanced reporting and analytics, multi-channel selling capabilities, or inventory management tools. Assess the scalability of each plan to ensure it can accommodate your business's future growth without hindering performance or functionality.

It is also important to consIDer the pricing structure and transaction fees associated with each plan. Compare the pricing models of Shopify and BigCommerce to understand any potential cost savings or increases that may arise from the migration. BigCommerce is known for its competitive pricing, often offering lower transaction fees compared to Shopify, which can result in significant cost savings, especially for businesses with high sales volumes.

Setting up a BigCommerce Trial Store

Before fully committing to the migration, take advantage of BigCommerce's trial period to set up a trial store. This trial store will serve as a sandbox environment where you can familiarize yourself with the BigCommerce platform, explore its features, and test its capabilities.

During the trial period, take the time to replicate key aspects of your Shopify store in the BigCommerce environment. This includes recreating your product catalog, importing sample customer data, and configuring essential settings such as payment gateways and shipping options. Use this opportunity to experiment with different themes, layouts, and customization options to ensure that BigCommerce can meet your design and branding requirements.

By setting up a trial store, you can gain hands-on experience with BigCommerce and assess its suitability for your business. This step will help you IDentify any potential challenges or limitations early on, allowing you to address them before initiating the actual migration process.

Creating a Migration Checklist

To ensure a smooth and organized migration, it is crucial to create a detailed migration checklist. This checklist will serve as a roadmap, guIDing you through each step of the migration process and ensuring that no crucial tasks are overlooked.

Start by outlining the major milestones of the migration, such as data transfer, design customization, and post-migration testing. Break down each milestone into specific tasks and subtasks, assigning responsible parties and setting realistic timelines. By creating a detailed checklist, you can maintain accountability, track progress, and ensure that all necessary actions are completed in a logical order.

Your migration checklist should include tasks such as exporting product data from Shopify, importing products to BigCommerce, transferring customer information, redirecting URLs for SEO purposes, and configuring payment gateways and shipping settings. Tailor the checklist to your specific requirements and store setup, ensuring that it covers all aspects of the migration process.

Backing up Your Shopify Data

Before initiating the migration, it is vital to back up your Shopify store's data. This step acts as a safety net, ensuring that you have a copy of your data in case any unforeseen issues arise during the migration process.

Shopify provIDes several methods to export your data, including products, customers, orders, and more. Take advantage of these export options to create backups of your critical data. Save these backups in a secure location, preferably in multiple locations or cloud storage, to ensure their availability throughout the migration.

By backing up your data, you can have peace of mind knowing that even if something goes wrong during the migration process, you can recover and restore your Shopify store to its original state. This precautionary measure is an essential step in mitigating potential risks and minimizing any potential downtime or data loss during the transition.

Informing Stakeholders about the Migration Process

Communication is key when undergoing a significant change like migrating your online store. It is crucial to inform all relevant stakeholders, including your team, partners, and customers, about the upcoming migration. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, understands the process, and can provIDe support and input where necessary.

Schedule a meeting or send out a comprehensive email explaining the migration process, its timeline, and its potential impact on various aspects of the business. Address any concerns or questions that stakeholders may have, and provIDe them with the necessary resources or contacts for further assistance.

For your team, conduct training sessions or workshops to familiarize them with BigCommerce and its features. Ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities during the migration and post-migration phases. This alignment and preparation will help minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition for your entire team.

For your partners and customers, communicate the migration process in a clear and concise manner. Inform them of any potential downtime or temporary disruptions to services and assure them that the migration is aimed at improving their overall experience. ProvIDe them with any necessary instructions or updates to ensure a seamless transition from the old Shopify store to the new BigCommerce store.

By proactively informing stakeholders about the migration, you can foster trust, manage expectations, and maintain a positive relationship with your team, partners, and customers throughout the process.

Data Migration

One of the most critical aspects of migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce is transferring your data seamlessly. Data migration involves moving your product catalog, customer information, order history, and other relevant data from your Shopify store to your new BigCommerce store. In this section, we will dive into the intricacies of the data migration process, provIDing you with step-by-step instructions and best practices to ensure a successful transition.

Migrating Products and Collections

The first step in the data migration process is transferring your product catalog from Shopify to BigCommerce. This includes all product information, such as titles, descriptions, images, pricing, and variations. Migrating your products accurately is crucial to maintain consistency and ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

To export your product data from Shopify, you can utilize the platform's built-in export functionality or leverage third-party apps specifically designed for data migration. Shopify allows you to export your product data in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, which can be easily imported into BigCommerce.

Once you have exported your product data from Shopify, it's time to import it into your BigCommerce store. BigCommerce provIDes a user-friendly import tool that allows you to map the fields in your CSV file to the corresponding fields in BigCommerce. Ensure that you review and map each field accurately to ensure a smooth and accurate transfer of your product data.

During the import process, BigCommerce also provIDes options to handle various scenarios, such as updating existing products, creating new products, or skipping certain products. Carefully review these options and select the appropriate settings based on your specific requirements.

In addition to the product catalog, you also need to migrate your collections or categories. In BigCommerce, collections are referred to as "Categories." Create the necessary categories in your BigCommerce store and assign the corresponding products to each category. This ensures that your products are organized and easily navigable for your customers.

Transferring Customer Data

Migrating your customer data is crucial to maintain continuity and provIDe a personalized experience for your existing customers. This includes transferring customer information such as names, email addresses, shipping addresses, and order history.

To export your customer data from Shopify, you can use the export functionality provIDed by the platform. Shopify allows you to export customer data in CSV format, similar to the product data export process. Ensure that you include all relevant fields and information that you wish to transfer to BigCommerce.

Once you have exported your customer data, it's time to import it into your BigCommerce store. BigCommerce provIDes a dedicated customer import tool that allows you to map the fields in your CSV file to the corresponding fields in BigCommerce. Carefully review and map the fields accurately to ensure a successful transfer of customer data.

During the import process, BigCommerce also provIDes options to handle various scenarios, such as merging duplicate customer records or creating new customer accounts. Choose the appropriate settings based on your specific requirements and ensure that you retain all necessary customer information.

Migrating Orders and Order History

Migrating your order data and order history is crucial to maintain business continuity and provIDe accurate reporting in your new BigCommerce store. This involves transferring information such as order details, payment information, shipping details, and order statuses.

To export your order data from Shopify, you can use the platform's export functionality or consIDer using third-party apps that specialize in order data migration. Export your order data in CSV format, including all relevant fields and information that you wish to transfer.

Importing your order data into BigCommerce can be a more complex process compared to product and customer data migration. BigCommerce provIDes various options and tools to handle the import of order data, including the ability to import orders via CSV, API, or integration with third-party apps.

When importing order data, it's crucial to ensure that the data is mapped correctly to the respective fields in BigCommerce. Review and map each field accurately to ensure that order details, payment information, and customer information are transferred accurately.

It's important to note that while order data can be migrated, the actual order processing and fulfillment will continue to be handled in your Shopify store until the migration is complete. Communicate this to your team and ensure that they are aware of the transition process to avoID any confusion or disruptions in order management.

Handling SEO and URL Redirects

Preserving your store's search engine optimization (SEO) rankings and ensuring a smooth transition for your website visitors is crucial during the migration process. Properly handling SEO and URL redirects will help maintain your organic search traffic and prevent broken links.

When migrating from Shopify to BigCommerce, the URL structure and format may change. This can result in broken links and negatively impact your SEO rankings. To mitigate this, it is essential to set up proper URL redirects from your old Shopify URLs to the corresponding URLs in your new BigCommerce store.

BigCommerce provIDes built-in tools and settings to manage URL redirects. You can create 301 redirects, which indicate to search engines that the content has permanently moved to a new location. By setting up these redirects, you ensure that both users and search engines are directed to the appropriate pages in your new BigCommerce store, preserving your SEO rankings and minimizing any negative impact from the migration.

Additionally, take the time to review and optimize your meta tags, page titles, and other SEO elements in your BigCommerce store. Ensure that your new store is optimized for search engines and that your product pages, categories, and other key pages have relevant and descriptive meta information.

By carefully managing SEO and URL redirects, you can minimize any negative impact on your organic search traffic, maintain your search engine rankings, and provIDe a seamless transition for your website visitors.

Design and Customization

Once you have successfully migrated your data from Shopify to BigCommerce, the next step is to focus on the design and customization of your new BigCommerce store. This section will guIDe you through the process of choosing a theme, customizing its appearance, and configuring essential settings to match your branding and provIDe a delightful shopping experience for your customers.

Choosing a BigCommerce Theme

BigCommerce offers a wIDe selection of professionally designed themes, catering to various industries and design aesthetics. These themes provIDe a solID foundation for your store's appearance and functionality. When choosing a theme, consIDer your brand's IDentity, target audience, and desired user experience.

BigCommerce themes come with various features and customization options, so carefully evaluate the available options and choose a theme that aligns with your business requirements. Look for themes that offer flexibility, responsiveness, and the ability to showcase your products effectively.

ConsIDer the design elements such as layout, typography, color schemes, and imagery. Ensure that the theme allows you to highlight your products and create an engaging visual experience for your customers. Pay attention to the navigation and user interface, ensuring that it is intuitive and easy to navigate.

Additionally, consIDer the compatibility of the theme with BigCommerce updates and future enhancements. Themes that receive regular updates and support from the theme developer can ensure a seamless experience as the platform evolves.

Customizing the Theme to Match Your Previous Store

To create a consistent brand experience for your customers, customize the chosen BigCommerce theme to match the look and feel of your previous Shopify store. This involves incorporating your brand's colors, fonts, logos, and other visual elements into the theme.

BigCommerce provIDes a user-friendly theme editor that allows you to customize various aspects of your store's appearance. Customize the color scheme to match your brand's IDentity, ensuring that it complements your logo and other visual elements. Adjust the typography settings to reflect your desired font choices and maintain consistency with your brand guIDelines.

Upload your logo and any other brand-specific imagery to the theme editor. Ensure that your logo is displayed prominently and consistently across your store's pages. Customize the header and footer sections to include any additional information or links that were present in your previous Shopify store.

Take the time to review and customize the layout of your store's homepage and other key pages. Arrange sections and elements in a way that highlights your products, promotes special offers, and provIDes a seamless browsing experience for your customers. Leverage the available customization options to create visually appealing banners, carousels, and featured product sections.

It's important to strike a balance between customization and simplicity. While it's tempting to add numerous design elements and customizations, it's essential to ensure that your store remains user-friendly and easy to navigate. Keep the overall design clean, intuitive, and focused on driving conversions.

Transferring Custom Code and Scripts

If your previous Shopify store included custom code snippets, scripts, or integrations, you'll need to transfer them to your new BigCommerce store. These customizations may include additional functionality, custom tracking codes, or third-party integrations that are vital to your business operations.

Before transferring custom code, review the BigCommerce platform's capabilities and built-in features to determine if any of your previous customizations can be achieved using native functionality. BigCommerce offers a vast ecosystem of apps and integrations, so explore the available options before migrating custom code.

For customizations that cannot be achieved using built-in features or apps, you'll need to transfer the relevant code snippets to your BigCommerce store. This may involve modifying the theme files directly or utilizing BigCommerce's built-in customization options, such as the Script Manager or Stencil framework.

Ensure that you thoroughly test any custom code or scripts after transferring them to BigCommerce. Verify that they function correctly and do not interfere with other aspects of your store's functionality or performance. It's also essential to keep track of any third-party integrations you relied on in your Shopify store and ensure that they are compatible with BigCommerce or seek alternative solutions if necessary.

Configuring Navigation and Menus

An intuitive and well-structured navigation system is crucial for guIDing your customers through your product catalog and enhancing their shopping experience. Configuring navigation and menus in your BigCommerce store requires careful planning and organization.

Start by analyzing your previous Shopify store's navigation structure and menus. Identify key categories, subcategories, and any special pages or sections that were present. Use this as a reference to create a clear and logical navigation structure in your BigCommerce store.

BigCommerce allows you to create multiple navigation menus, including the main navigation, footer navigation, and any custom menus. Utilize these options to organize your store's content effectively. ConsIDer the hierarchy of categories and subcategories, ensuring that they are easy to navigate and reflect the logical organization of your products.

Leverage BigCommerce's drag-and-drop menu builder to create and arrange your navigation menus. Add links to important pages, collections, or promotional sections. Ensure that your menus are concise, avoIDing excessive clutter or dropdowns that may overwhelm your customers.

ConsIDer implementing features such as a search bar, breadcrumb navigation, or filters to enhance the browsing experience for your customers. Make it easy for them to find the products they are looking for and provIDe clear calls-to-action to encourage exploration and conversions.

Setting Up Payment Gateways

Configuring payment gateways is a crucial step in setting up your BigCommerce store and ensuring a seamless checkout experience for your customers. BigCommerce offers a wIDe range of payment gateway options, allowing you to choose the provIDers that align with your business needs and target markets.

Evaluate the available payment gateway options in BigCommerce and choose the ones that are most popular and trusted in your target markets. ConsIDer factors such as transaction fees, security, ease of integration, and supported currencies.

BigCommerce offers built-in integrations with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, and more. These integrations streamline the setup process and ensure compatibility with your store's checkout process. Follow the instructions provIDed by your selected payment gateways to integrate them seamlessly into your BigCommerce store.

Ensure that you thoroughly test the payment gateway integrations to ensure they function correctly. Place test orders, process payments, and verify that the funds are properly transferred to your designated accounts.

It's also essential to clearly communicate the available payment options to your customers. Display the accepted payment methods prominently on your store's checkout page and throughout the shopping experience. This transparency helps build trust and provIDes a seamless checkout experience for your customers.

Integrating Third-Party Apps and Extensions

BigCommerce offers a vast ecosystem of third-party apps and extensions that can enhance your store's functionality and provIDe additional features. Explore the BigCommerce App Marketplace to discover apps that can help you streamline operations, improve marketing capabilities, and enhance the overall customer experience.

ConsIDer the specific needs of your business and explore the available apps and extensions in categories such as marketing, inventory management, customer support, email marketing, analytics, and more. Read reviews, compare features, and evaluate the compatibility of each app with your BigCommerce store.

When integrating third-party apps, ensure that they are compatible with your chosen BigCommerce theme and other customizations you have made. Follow the instructions provIDed by the app developers to install and configure the apps correctly.

Integrating third-party apps can provIDe additional functionalities such as advanced marketing automation, abandoned cart recovery, customer reviews, and social media integrations. Carefully consIDer the impact of each app on your store's performance and user experience, ensuring that they align with your business goals and enhance the overall customer journey.

By customizing the theme, configuring navigation menus, setting up payment gateways, and integrating third-party apps, you can create a visually appealing and fully functional BigCommerce store that aligns with your brand and provIDes a delightful shopping experience for your customers.

Post-Migration ConsIDerations

Congratulations on successfully migrating your Shopify store to BigCommerce! However, the journey doesn't end here. After the migration, there are important post-migration consIDerations to address to ensure the smooth operation and optimization of your new BigCommerce store. This section will guIDe you through the key steps and actions to take after the migration process.

Testing and Reviewing the New BigCommerce Store

Once the migration is complete, it's crucial to thoroughly test and review your new BigCommerce store. This step helps IDentify any issues or discrepancies that may have occurred during the migration process and ensures that your store is functioning as expected.

Start by conducting a comprehensive review of your product catalog, comparing it to your previous Shopify store. Check for any missing or inaccurate product information, images, or variations. Verify that pricing, inventory levels, and product attributes are correctly reflected in your new BigCommerce store.

Test the checkout process by placing a few test orders to ensure that all payment gateways function correctly, and orders are processed smoothly. Verify that customer information is captured accurately, and order confirmation emails are sent out as expected.

Navigate through your store as a customer would and test various features, such as search functionality, filters, and navigation menus. Pay attention to page load times, responsiveness, and overall user experience. Address any issues that arise promptly to ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Updating Links and Integrations

With the migration to BigCommerce, it's essential to update any links and integrations that were previously set up in your Shopify store. This includes internal links within your store, external links from your marketing campaigns or social media profiles, and any third-party integrations that connect to your store.

Start by reviewing your website content and updating any internal links that reference your old Shopify URLs. Update these links to point to the corresponding URLs in your new BigCommerce store. This step ensures that users are directed to the correct pages and helps preserve your SEO rankings.

Next, review your external links from marketing campaigns, email newsletters, or social media profiles. Update these links to reflect the new URLs of your BigCommerce store. This prevents potential visitors from encountering broken links and ensures a seamless transition from your previous store to the new one.

For third-party integrations, review the apps or services you previously used in Shopify and ensure their compatibility with BigCommerce. Update any necessary settings or configurations to ensure a smooth integration. If any integrations are no longer supported or available in BigCommerce, seek alternative solutions or explore similar apps or services that can achieve the same functionality.

By updating links and integrations, you maintain a seamless experience for your customers and avoID any disruptions in your marketing efforts. It also ensures that your store's functionality remains intact and enhances the overall performance of your BigCommerce store.

Communicating the Migration to Customers

Transparency and communication are key when undergoing a significant change like migrating your online store. It's crucial to communicate the migration to your customers, provIDing them with the necessary information and instructions to ensure a smooth transition.

Craft a comprehensive communication plan to inform your customers about the migration. This plan may include email newsletters, social media announcements, and updates on your website. Clearly explain the reasons for the migration, highlight any new features or improvements, and assure customers that their shopping experience will remain seamless.

ProvIDe instructions to customers on how to access your new BigCommerce store, including any changes to URLs or account login procedures. If customer accounts were transferred during the migration, guIDe customers on how to reset their passwords or update their account information.

Address any potential concerns or questions customers may have about the migration. Create a dedicated support channel or FAQ section on your website to address common queries. Ensure that your customer support team is well-informed about the migration process and can provIDe assistance as needed.

By proactively communicating the migration to your customers, you build trust and reduce the likelihood of any confusion or frustration during the transition. It also reinforces your commitment to provIDing an exceptional customer experience.

Optimizing the New Store for Search Engines

After migrating to BigCommerce, it's essential to optimize your new store for search engines to ensure maximum visibility and organic traffic. By implementing SEO best practices, you can improve your store's rankings in search engine results and attract more qualified leads.

Start by conducting a thorough SEO audit of your new BigCommerce store. Review page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and URL structures. Ensure that these elements are optimized with relevant keywords and accurately reflect the content of each page. Pay attention to keyword-rich content on product pages and category descriptions, ensuring they provIDe valuable information to both search engines and customers.

Leverage BigCommerce's built-in SEO features, such as customizable URLs, canonical tags, and sitemap generation. Utilize these features to create search engine-friendly URLs, prevent duplicate content issues, and ensure that search engines can easily crawl and index your store's pages.

ConsIDer implementing schema markup, which provIDes search engines with additional information about your store and products. Schema markup can enhance the visibility of your store in search results by displaying rich snippets, such as star ratings, product prices, and availability.

Regularly monitor your store's performance using analytics tools, such as Google Analytics. Track key metrics, including organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates. Identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your store's performance.

Additionally, focus on building high-quality backlinks and generating compelling content that attracts inbound links from authoritative websites. Engage in content marketing efforts, such as blogging or guest posting, to enhance your store's online visibility and authority.

By optimizing your new BigCommerce store for search engines, you can increase organic traffic, improve visibility in search results, and attract more qualified leads to your online store.

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance Metrics

After the migration, it's crucial to regularly monitor and analyze performance metrics to ensure the success of your BigCommerce store. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyzing data, you can IDentify areas for improvement, measure the impact of your marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

Utilize analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or BigCommerce's built-in analytics, to track and measure important metrics. Monitor key metrics, including website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, customer acquisition costs, and customer retention rates. Set up goals and funnels to track specific actions, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Regularly review these metrics and analyze trends and patterns. Identify any bottlenecks, areas of low performance, or opportunities for improvement. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies, website design, and overall user experience.

Engage in A/B testing to experiment with different layouts, designs, and marketing strategies. Test various elements, such as call-to-action buttons, product page layouts, or pricing strategies, to IDentify what resonates most with your audience and drives conversions.

Stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Explore BigCommerce's resource library, attend webinars, and join relevant forums or communities to stay connected with other e-commerce professionals. Continuously learn and implement new strategies to enhance the performance of your store.

By regularly monitoring and analyzing performance metrics, you can IDentify areas for improvement, optimize your marketing efforts, and ensure the long-term success of your BigCommerce store.

ProvIDing Post-Migration Support and Training

After the migration, it's essential to provIDe ongoing support and training to your team to ensure they are comfortable with the new BigCommerce platform and can effectively manage the store. This includes training on using the BigCommerce admin interface, understanding its features, and addressing any questions or concerns that may arise.

Schedule training sessions or workshops to familiarize your team with the BigCommerce platform. Cover topics such as managing products, processing orders, configuring settings, and utilizing built-in marketing tools. ProvIDe guIDance on how to handle customer inquiries, troubleshoot common issues, and navigate the support resources available.

Document any unique or custom processes specific to your BigCommerce store to serve as reference materials for your team. This documentation can include step-by-step guIDes, FAQs, and troubleshooting tips. Regularly update this documentation as new features or changes are introduced to the BigCommerce platform.

Encourage your team to explore the BigCommerce community and participate in relevant forums or discussions. This allows them to connect with other BigCommerce users, share experiences, and learn from industry experts.

ProvIDe ongoing support and be responsive to any questions or issues that may arise post-migration. Maintain open lines of communication with your team and consIDer designating a point person or team responsible for managing the BigCommerce store.

By provIDing post-migration support and training, you empower your team to effectively manage the BigCommerce store, address customer inquiries, and optimize the store's performance.

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© 2023 Necktip s.r.o. All rights reserved.